Festival de Théorie 2025
Turbulent Boundary Layers
Turbulent Boundary Layers
The 13th edition of the « Festival de Théorie » will be taking place this year from June 30 to July 25, 2025 in Aix en Provence, France. This year’s theme is “Turbulent Boundary Layers”.
As is now usual, the first 2 weeks will be devoted mainly to seminars (Tutorials, Topicals & Short Contributions). The programme is designed to allow time for discussion and collaboration. The following 2 weeks will be increasingly devoted to collaborative projects between Festival participants. These are intended both as a means to collaborate with other participants and as a training ground for young researchers (especially PhD students and postdocs). Participants interested in proposing such projects should contact me; details of these projects will be announced in the coming months.
Travel and accommodation grants are available to offset the cost of travel to and from Aix-en-Provence. Special support is available for young researchers who are willing to attend the Festival in its entirety and participate in the projects, so please do not hesitate to forward this invitation to collaborators you think might be interested. It would be helpful for us if people who are interested could contact valerie.icard@cea.fr (cc: guilhem.dif-pradalier@cea.fr) with their intended length of stay.
Please be aware that July is a busy time in Aix-en-Provence and that it is necessary to book well in advance.
We look forward to seeing you in Aix this summer.
Further information will be available on this website in the coming months.
This year’s topic is « Turbulent Boundary Layers »
Week 1 & 2
The program commences with two weeks of Seminar by prominent scientists and a serie of Principales Lectures broadening Seminar topics.
Week 3 & 4
Research projects are pursued in weeks 3 & 4 . They aim at associating about 10 competitively-selected Fellows with Research Scientists & Lecturers on topics spanning plasma physics, fluid dynamics, astrophycics & applied mathematics
Travel & Housing Support
Is offered to help offset the cost of round-trip travel to Aix-en-Provence. Housing facilities are also available. We recommend that applicants requiring a Visa contact their own Embassis at least three months prior to travel.

Research Projects - Fellows
About ten competitive fellowships are available for graduate students ans Postdoctorates.
The programe is competitive : fellows are selected based on the applicant’s previous academic and scientific achievements and promise as future scientist.
Should sens David Zarzoso and Guilhem Dif Pradalier
Email : david.zarzoso-fernandez@uni-amu.fr & guilhem.dif-pradalier@cea.fr
Our Sponsors

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