Auteur/autrice : Guilhem

July 7 conference

As part of the Festival of Theory 2022, the CEA is organizing a public conference in Aix-en-Provence, Thursday July 7 at 6.30 p.m., town hall, Salle des Etats de Provence. Come and join us ! The international ITER program aims to demonstrate the scientific and technological feasibility of hydrogen fusion, a source of energy powering…
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Covid Rules

COVID 19, some useful rules & regulations During the Festival, we will kindly ask participants to wear face masks, especially in conference rooms, during talks. REGARDING TRAVEL:If you ask yourself what are the official rules and regulations regarding Covid status, they can be found below. This is the official French ministry website; it is thus…
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How to come ?

Reminder : here the address where the Festival de Théorie will be taking place : AMU – Campus d’Aix- Quartier des facultés Building « Egger » – wing A 29 Avenue R. Schuman – 13628 Aix-en-Provence In case of trouble, my phone number : +33–699 758 660 (Guilhem) On a map (blue star is the Festival location)…
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A special day in honor of Uriel Frisch at the Festival de Théorie !

The Festival de Théorie is held every two years in Aix-en-Provence and aims at fostering interdisciplinary research activity in the field of magnetised plasmas – including controlled fusion, space and astrophysics, with connections to fluid mechanics and geophysics, among others. Monday, 8 July 2019 was a special day devoted to honour Uriel Frisch who has…
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gala diner

Gala dinner on July 11, 2019

The 10th Festival de Théorie invite you to join the gala dinner held in « l’Aquabella » The René Pellat Memorial Festival Prize wil be awarded during the opening of the Gala Dinner 11th July 2019 7.30 PM Learn more about the René Pellat Festival Memorial Prize 10 minutes by car, 20 minutes on foot, from the…
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Etienne Klein Public conference

5 juillet 2019 / 18 h 30 min – 20 h 30 min What is emptiness full of?This conference will be held in French

Registration is now open

Hello to all! We know it, we are a little late this year! The new site is more or less the cause! The registration is now open, you just have to fill the form!

Aix is busy in July… please make plans for your accommodation and, if you need a visa, please make sure that you apply early to get it

If in doubt please contact (cc: