Committees (2019)

An International Scientific Committee

The Scientific Comittee builds the program of the Festival and selects the invited participants.

Chairman: Pr. Patrick DIAMOND (UCSD, USA)

Vice Chairman: Dr. Xavier GARBET (CEA, France), CNRS Silver medal

Secretary : Dr. Guilhem DIF-PRADALIER (CEA, France)

Pr. Peter BEYER (Aix-Marseille Univ., France) Pr. Alain POCHEAU (IRPHE, France)
Pr. Nicholas BRUMMEL (UCSC, USA)
Dr. Susana CAPPELLO (RFX, Padova, Italy) Pr. Abhijit SEN (IPR, India)
Pr. Fausto CATTANEO (Univ. Chicago, USA) Pr. Andrei SMOLYAKOV (Univ. of Saskatchewan, Canada)
Dr. hilippe GHENDRIH (CEA, France)
Pr. Hideo SUGAMA (LHD NIFS, Japan)
Dr. Özgür GÜRCAN (LPP, France) Pr. Steven TOBIAS (University of Leeds, UK)
Pr. Taik-Soo HAHM (Seoul National University, Korea) Pr. François WAELBROECK (IFS, Univ. Texas, USA)
Pr. Eric SONNENDRÜCKER (Max Planck IPP, Germany) Pr. George TYNAN (UCSD, USA)
Pr. David HUGHES (University of Leeds, UK) Pr. XiaoGang WANG (Peking University, China)
Dr. Wolf-Christian MÜLLER (MP-IPP, Germany) Dr. Weixing WANG (PPPL, USA)
Pr. Marco PETTINI (Aix-Marseille Univ, France)Dr. Zhibin GUO (Peking University, China)
Dr. Yanick SARAZIN (CEA, France)

A Director Committee

The aim of director Committee is to provide advice on the scope and organization of the meeting particular to suggest members of the Scientific Committeeof, and participants to, the « Festival de Théorie », and themes for its future venues.

We also expect the Director Committee members to advertise this international meeting.

Chair : Bernard BIGOT

Executive Secretary : Jean JACQUINOT

Michel BAUER(CEA-IPhT, ENS, France)
Alain BECOULET (CEA, IRFM, France)
Philippe CHOMAZ (CEA, DRFDIR, France)Amita DAS (IPR, India)
Tony DONNE (EurOfusion, EU) Xuru DUAN (SWIP, China)
François WAELBROECK (IFS, Univ. Texas, USA)
Ambrogio FASOLI (SPC, Suisse)
Maria FAURY (CEA-DRFDIR, France) Gabriele FIONI (CEA, France)
Ricardo GALVAO (Institute of Physics, Brazil) ✉Sibylle GÜNTER (IPP Garching, Germany) ✉
Mitsuru KIKUCHI (JAEA, Japan) ✉Thomas KLINGER (IPP Greifswald, Germany) ✉
Astrid LAMBRECHT (INP, CNRS, France) ✉Denis PESME ✉
Tim LUCE (ITER-IO) ✉Yannick MARANDET (FR-FCM, France) ✉
Jean-Yves MARZIN (INSIS, CNRS, France) ✉Jean-François PINTON (ENS Lyon, France)✉
Olivier PROVITINA (CEA Cadarache, France) ✉Christoph SORGER (INSMI, CNRS, France) ✉
Yasuhiko TAKEIRI (NIFS, Japan) ✉Mossadek TALBY (Aix-Marseille University, France)✉
Tony TAYLOR (GA DIII-D, USA) ✉Baonian WAN (ASIPP, China) ✉
Dennis WHYTE (MIT, USA) ✉
Steven COWLEY (Princeton Univesity, USA)

A Local Committee

A Local Committee has also been set up to manage the conference at the local level: booking and management of the conference venue, logistics, organization of the gala evening, management of participants and accommodation, dissemination of information to participants and search for funding. Most of the members of this committee are people working at CEA Cadarache’s Research Institute on Magnetic Confinement Fusion (IRFM):

Guilhem DIF-PRADALIERPresident
Valérie ICARDSecretary
Karine DANIONLogistic
David ZARZOSOProgram « Festival Fellows »
Virginie GRANDGIRARDLogistic
Marie BAYLEWebmaster
Guillaume LATUComputers & Networks
Sylvie GIBERTFinancial help